
  • Insecticide


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Sparta with Jemvelva active is a unique insecticide for control of various pests in pasture, forage brassica, tree crops, and vegetables.

Technical Specifications

  • Active Ingredient

    120 g/L Jemvelva® active (Spinetoram)

  • Application Method
    Ground and aerial applications
  • Mode of Action

    Jemvelva® active is active on all larval life stages and enters the insect primarily through the digestive system (ingestion activity) and secondarily through the insect exoskeleton (contact activity). In insects, the mode of action is associated with excitation of the nervous system which causes paralysis followed by death. The onset of symptoms is noticeable within hours. Jemvelva® active also has effective ovi-larvicidal activity which means that insects emerging from treated eggs are controlled.

  • Formulations
    Suspension Concentrate (SC)
  • Insecticide Group


  • Packaging

    1 L and 5 L

Target Pests

  • Diamondback moth
  • Looper caterpillars
  • Leaf miner larvae
  • Springtails
  • Thrips
  • Tomato/Potato psyllid
  • White butterfly
  • See label for full list

    Additional Resources

    Fall Armyworm Field Guide

    Sparta is the only product registered for use on Fall Armyworm in New Zealand. This field guide will help you identify and control FAW

    Download here

    Sparta Insecticide Tech Sheet

    An IPM friendly Insecticide for the control of DBM, White Butterfly, Looper caterpillar Springtails and Leaf Miner in Forage Brassicas

    Download the tech sheet

    Sparta in Avocados Tech Sheet

    Sparta is a unique insecticide for control of various pests in pasture, forage brassica, tree crops, and vegetables.

    View the tech sheet

    Brassica Protection Guide

    A comprehensive guide to Weed and Pest Control in your Brassica Crop.

    Download here

    Brassica Decision Chart

    A quick reference guide to help you make the right decision to treat your Brassica Crop. Print as A3 and hang on your wall.

    Download here

    Sparta on Springtails

    Sparta will provide robust control of Springtails at spray out and early emergence in forage brassica crops and clovers in new pasture.

    Download the tech sheet


    See full label for details.


    Fruit, Citrus (Citrus spp.)


    Onion (Allium spp.)


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. Tuberosum)


    Tomato (Lycopsersicon esculentum)


    Vegetables, Brassica Cole (All) (Brassica spp.)


    IPM friendly

    Sparta is safe to key beneficial insects that aid in the natural control of insect pests e.g. Lady birds, lacewings, Spiders etc

    Short With Holding Periods (WHP)

    Allows for greater flexibility.

    Low Toxicity

    Sparta is safe to use and handle with minimal safety precautions

    Novel mode of action

    Unique mode of action means Sparta controls insects resistant to other insecticides

    ™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. ⓒ 2023 Corteva.